Saturday, October 31, 2009


Hiya all.  (ok, I'm talking to myself again, but that's what happens when you are borderline nuts)

Anyhow, on another and totally related note, here I am and it's now about 20 minutes to 12 midnight October 31, 2009.

I Have Signed UP For NaNoWriMo.  (dispirited cheer at this point)

that stands for National Novel Writing Month.
what this means is that I have signed up to try to write at least 50,000 words of fiction by the end of November, and I've set up a countdown time on the main page here to track how long I have left. (at least I am going to set one up when I hit post here)

So, if you're interested in what I am writing, then ask me.  I've included the typical summary that I worked up before this whole thing started.  Not sure how close the finished product will turn out, but we'll see what happens hey?

Anyhow, the preview summary.

Synopsis: Caorann Loosed
In short there is a Fairie land (one of many, they exist independent of each other after all, and independent of our reality as well) that is under Crisis. The oldest daughter is currently out in the real world, at band camp of all things, when her twin brother links to her for an update, it's getting urgent back home, something needs to happen and soon.
So fairie land tied to real land, holds structure based on continuing cohesive structure of the original contract with ruling family of Connacht from Eire, say before the 1066 contract, (magna Carta? or something like that, I'm going to have to do a little study here). Ok, the land was, and will be, but the formed and usable aspect of it, (where the fairie live) came into being through a little finangling, due to the formation and recognition of the county of Connacht, and the continuation or stability of the land was tied to the reigning king of Connacht. As long as the reigning king of Connacht was in residence, and maintained the old gardens (specifically the Mountian Ash Grove) the fairie country was somewhat stable, it would be ok, but if the grove failed or was in flux then things got a little screwy in the fairie land, and now that the whole grove was taken down for development, had been gotten rid of, it's gone to pot entirely. the last defacto king was out of power in 1474, and the fairie land has been holding on since then only to crumble, the magic is slipping away, so now we need to reanchor somewhere else,
They end up tying to the family of Jake and Katie, through Allyiah and her friendship with Trin, so as to have the needed connection to the physical plane, without which they cannot continue. Then as things start to settle down, Allyiah starts to fail, the energies she's not aware of are being pulled out of her. A last second switch is needed, Allyiah is fading fast, the energies are only flowing one way. They have to link to something alive, with life energy to act as a beacon so that the fairie land can be anchored in this world, thus preserving it's very nature. Trin was here, and along with her twin brother, they were acting as a conduit to make it work for now, but she can't go back until this is cleared up and anchored.
I'm not sure how this will all work out, but that's a general outline/synopsis for those who want one. I know Fairie is kinda overdone and cheesy, but it's my first attempt, and I needed a relatively flexible structure on which to hang my characters that are the meat of any good story.

That's it.  I'm not worried about anybody stealing it.  The names are touchy, I am emotionally attached to them for other reasons, but you can't steal the novel that I have not written yet, so there we go.  But for those sticklers, yes, this is my work, no I didn't steal it or the idea of it from anywhere.  It came to me when watching the humming birds flit around the newly planted trees in the park across from my office at work.   Thats about it, and I'm down to 15 minutes until go time. I'll see you all at the finish line.  Ha-Rugh!


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Poem, before I head for home and madness.

Written by William Wordsworth (what a good name for a poet hey?)

The World is Too Much With Us; Late and Soon

The world is too much with us; late a soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;
Little we see in nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!
This Sea that bares her bosom to teh moon,
The winds that will be howling at all hours,
And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers,
For this, for everything, we are out of tune;
It moves us not. - Great God! I'd rather be
A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;
So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,
Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;
Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;
Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.

Too funny, it's hard to believe that this was written more than 100 years ago.  and yet,  it reflects our current culture issues perfectly.  we are prostituted out to our material lifestyle.  Our children know not the concept of delayed gratification, only that of being and having what they want, when they want.

Our drive forward to a better life has completely obliterated the very thing it was trying to achieve.  We now work so hard that we don't have anything left.  We have better cars, bigger houses, more plentiful food, and yet, overall health is failing, families are falling apart, and nobody is willing to stand up and just be a good person.  To help is to open one's self up to the liability suits of those too petty to simply say "Thank-you; I know I am still hospitalized, but I realize you did your best for me, without hope of reward, so thanks."  Instead they turn it around, and go on a spree, spreading hurt and accusations, liability and guilt, blaming everyone instead of taking personal responsability for their actions and behaviour.

Ok, I'll hop down from the soapbox now.  Gotta get home and spend some time with the family that is trying so hard to get away from me.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hiya, a long night, and a longer day.

Well, this blog was initially set up as a place for me to vent and blow off steam, essentially complaining about life and it's injustices, and why I felt it should be fair to me, rather than treating me like a filled diaper.

But when looking back at my intentions, that seems rather childish, and as I'm now on the high side of 30, it's time to face the standard truth.  Life is not fair, cope.  Stop whining, and get on with it.

True, my 12 year old is hard to deal with, and has a childish streak that I often want to smack out the other side of his head.  the toddler and his little brother are maddeningly awake late into the night and up earlier and earlier each day it seems.  Oh, and we can't forget the wife who is in the middle of the standard 20 something "what is the point, and why don't I matter" swing.

I guess the standard perspective is "who are these kids and why are they calling me dad?"

This is going on three years of not enough sleep.  Last night I got the 2.8 year old to sleep at 11:30, the 1 year old was up by midnight, and back down by 1:30, but then the love of my life was up and out of sorts, awake but tired, couldn't stop worrying about work and other stuff that she has to deal with.

The positive side of this is that we got to be alone for a little bit, without the children between us.  And what to married couples with children do when they get alone time without the kids? ....   no, not nap, remember she was stressing, needed a stress reliever...  *blush*  ok, I can give her good stress relievers. Either that or she is pretending, so as not to hurt my feelings, but I doubt it.

Anyhow, about 3:30 we managed to get to sleep, and then the alarm goes off at 6:30am, gotta get up and head out to work.  This sucks.  But as I tell the oldest boy, no sympathy if it's self inflicted, and since I am now one body with my wife, her keeping me up logically constitutes self-inflicted.  *did anybody but me follow that logic?*

So, despite the scattered focus of this entry, hi, I'm here, I'm not sure who I am.  and I'm trying to find it all out.  Good luck to me.