Saturday, March 27, 2010

The nature of reality

As I awake today, for the second day in a row, without having gotten up at midnight and four AM with the screaming mimi (Thing (that goes bump in the night,) the younger), I am taken by the notion that the chances of this reality being the same as the one I have been recently inhabiting (with the nocturnal bumping things) being very slim indeed.

So the question now becomes, when we sleep, does our world change?  or is it the same sequential/causal events that were set in motion before we resigned our awareness for the night?

Any thoughts?  I am somewhat unsettled by this, but as I live my life much like a plasma cloud anyhow, unsettled is not a really bad thing I suppose.

There have been some wonderfully insightful philosophic studies on the nature of consciousness and awareness, linking these two aspects to the nature of perceived reality,
check out this quick listing by google
google search "perceived reality"

The ulitmate result of which, when all is said and done, is....

Relax, it's all in your head.

Ok, back to work here.


Friday, March 26, 2010


This was a typographical error I just made, but it caught my eye and being an odd minded Catholic, I wondered what would constitute Sin Insurance, or Sinsurance for short.

Confessions (formally called Reconciliation) is for past sins, "Please forgive me lord, I'll try to do better."
And I've read about Considerations on occasion, but I can't remember where or when, and then there's the bit where you get divine credit for such things as praying up the steps of some shrine or other, (again sorry, sitting at my desk no time to go look this stuff up, if I think of it later and the terrorists that run my life give me time I'll check into stuff later) but I don't think that either of those things qualify as Insurance against sinning either.

So, an insight, you can't get insurance against morally screwing up or becoming morally bankrupt or whatever, sinning in all it's glory, but there is always a recovery method for those who are truly repentant (at least until the day of reckoning anyhow, then it's all up and there's no other path but the one you're on).

Anyhow, speaking of sinning, I suppose I am supposed to be working.

g'day and God Bless.


Friday, March 19, 2010

That dang cat

Hey everyone,

Iam trying to write a blog post on my phone, and so far it's working alright. Aside from some of the keys that I am used to using all the time are obviously missing, things like the end keys, home keys, stuff like that.

About the title, we have had an unexpected visitor tonight. Now, sometime last fall we had a vivit from a kitty, who moved in and became one of the family, so we went to start taking care of the kitty. But the he took off and didn't come back. His name was Sammie.

So, after the loss of our beloved Sammie, (the boys were crushed) we adopted a fluffy kitty named Zenn, who has nothing zen-like about him.

So, to make things interesting, Zen has been around since Christmas and I've even started liking him (for a cat) and last night, around 9 pm, the original Sammie shows up, looking for a warm place to sleep.

uh oh.....This could be a problem.

I guess it worked out all right for now, my wife and I agreed to put Sammie back outside and see if he went back to where he came from, and if he's still pestering us in a few days we'll have to take a picture and start knocking on peoples doors to find out where this cat comes from.

Anyhow, I'm supposed to be working here, so I"ll be back later, or not, maybe I'll die on the way home.
Barring something that drastic however, I'm off and I'll be back eventually.


Monday, March 15, 2010

So, an update on the Education and Youth Post

Hi all, about two posts ago I whined about what I was overwhelmed with, and seeing as how whining never got anybody anywhere, I guess I got tired of standing still.

So I asked some people, (and have to ask more) about whether they could help or not, and also if they were interested in having their children involved.  Now, some things I am interested in pointing out.  As anybody with _small_ ones knows, (by small I'm talking under five, even under three most of the time) trying to sit and attentively participate in church or any other activity for ten minutes or more that does not involve eating is a doomed activity unless by some freak of nature your children are actually behaved and obedient, or scared stiff of the repercussions of misbehaving.
My kids don't fall into either of those categories.  So a brief period where I can take them out and translate the boring stuff that the adults read into more engaging stuff that the children would listen to, this is a good thing, and after fifteen or twenty minutes I'm back in the pew with them attending the blessing of the Eucharist and observing mass.

Now, back to the point.  There are only about ten children that this might even remotely appeal to, and two of them are mine.  So I asked two of the other parents about it, one started making conditions and excuses, resulting in a qualified yes but not really, and the other parent is a straight laced Catholic from the old school, and insists that their children would not be "deprived" of the chance to observe and be in the presence of the Holy Eucharist, especially since they only get that opportunity to do so once a week for only an hour.

umm....  what?  The second parent I mentioned sits across the aisle from my boys, and from first hand experience, his little ones are not obsessively adoring the Holy Eucharist, they're making faces at my boys who then rise to the occasion and things get troubled after that.  Anyhow, I'll not gainsay his opinion or his choice, but that does leave me with a maximum of 8 kids at this thing then.  I'll have to do the groundwork next week and see if there's any remote chance of getting it online.  If not then I guess my boys and I will be there alone in the back, so that I can present the readings to them in a manner they'll get, without getting too restless.

Anyhow, it's now ten after one in the morning and while I would love to spend some time getting some progress on my novel, I should get to sleep, six am comes early and I'm likely to be up at least one more time before then, when the littlest one starts coughing at about three am.

Good night, and God bless.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Hi everyone,

I just have to put this down before it drives me nuts.

I work in accounting, sort of.  and the word "bank" comes up quite often in my work, typing it and such.
Now, not being the best typist on the planet, I often manage to transpose letters, adn hte result is oftne irrelevant to the bulk of people.  But one particular transposition has been happening so often of late that the questions started up again.

the word?  Bank.  The transposition?  Bnak.....
The question..  What is a bnak?  it sounds like some kind of livestock animal.  I dunno, maybe now that I've shared this with you you can worry it over and it will leave me alone.

*sigh*  nope, still there.

guess I'm not that lucky.

until later, sorry for the divergence.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh my lord, guide me and inspire me.

I'm sitting here, wondering just how I am supposed to make this work, seeing as I have no idea where to start, what happens, or anything even remotely like that.

First, what am I talking about, right?  Somewhere I put down in electronic ink that I was supposed to be the new council representative for education and youth in our church.  I am way out of my depth, and not sure where to start on this.  I have two little kids, and I can try to teach them, but that's as far as I ever got.  I'll need to find some colouring pictures for them to take to church so that they can colour and we can talk about things,
I guess that the first thing to do is to brace one or more of the people from church and see if they're interested in even helping out with something like that.

From what I understand, the children's ministry occurs alongside the general mass, with the children being taken out and "ministered to" while the liturgy is being said inside, with the kids coming back in just before the holy communion, or something like that.  I need to call up Roman's mother, maybe talk to John, he seems to have a handle on things like this, and the Ouilettes, possibly along with the Peltier's, (I also have no idea how to spell any of these names, which is frustrating.

There's a meeting on Wednesday, and I'm going to have to confess at that point that I have been sick and looking after very sick children for the last couple of weeks. So to take it in stride, I'm going to need names and numbers of those people that might be able to help me out with this.  I can't teach, but I suppose that I could set up lessons in rough that an actual teacher might be able to do.  Also, I need to find people willing to teach.  Donna might, but she's more focused on the adult side of things, Marie would be good, possibly along with Jennifer, but they're gone right now.  The Ouilette girls woudl probably be great at it, but again, there's the whole how do I go about this and bring it up.

And next, after I get that started, I want to run a refresher course in basic catechisms, for guys like me that have fallen behind in their studies on this.  I think the KofC website has some good things there, I'll have to go see.

Having said all that, It's now quarter after 11, and I have to get to sleep, before the littlest one gets up for his initial nocturnal wander.  I think I'll leave the laptop here so that I can watch the first of the series of Monarch of the Glen tonight.  That'd be cool.

Until later, a muchly overwhelmed and insecure Andre.