Sunday, September 26, 2010

I thought I was over being sick

As the title indicates, I did think I was over being sick, but here I sit, short of breath, flushed, and having trouble focusing.  I think I am going to have to clean up the kitchen, and them move the computer to the living room, where I can work with the boys around, and keep an eye on them...

Let me go start the dishes and get the laundry folded, then I'll get back to you.

well, it's hours later now (like three hours) and I've finally finished the dishes, the sun has come out, and the boys are outside playing on their bikes.  My wife has finally recovered and is awake ish, she called in sick today.  She's now peeling pears, and I have to go clean up the side deck and probably get to dealing with Firewood.  There's a whole pile of kindling as well as what I'd say is 3/4 of a cord of hardwood waiting to be split and dried ...

And now, it's almost one in the afternoon, what a fractured day.  To top it off, I could cheerfully go back to bed right now, kids and all, it's just irritating me and I want to be alone.

Anyhow, enough of my whining, what's your Sunday like?

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