Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hiya, a long night, and a longer day.

Well, this blog was initially set up as a place for me to vent and blow off steam, essentially complaining about life and it's injustices, and why I felt it should be fair to me, rather than treating me like a filled diaper.

But when looking back at my intentions, that seems rather childish, and as I'm now on the high side of 30, it's time to face the standard truth.  Life is not fair, cope.  Stop whining, and get on with it.

True, my 12 year old is hard to deal with, and has a childish streak that I often want to smack out the other side of his head.  the toddler and his little brother are maddeningly awake late into the night and up earlier and earlier each day it seems.  Oh, and we can't forget the wife who is in the middle of the standard 20 something "what is the point, and why don't I matter" swing.

I guess the standard perspective is "who are these kids and why are they calling me dad?"

This is going on three years of not enough sleep.  Last night I got the 2.8 year old to sleep at 11:30, the 1 year old was up by midnight, and back down by 1:30, but then the love of my life was up and out of sorts, awake but tired, couldn't stop worrying about work and other stuff that she has to deal with.

The positive side of this is that we got to be alone for a little bit, without the children between us.  And what to married couples with children do when they get alone time without the kids? ....   no, not nap, remember she was stressing, needed a stress reliever...  *blush*  ok, I can give her good stress relievers. Either that or she is pretending, so as not to hurt my feelings, but I doubt it.

Anyhow, about 3:30 we managed to get to sleep, and then the alarm goes off at 6:30am, gotta get up and head out to work.  This sucks.  But as I tell the oldest boy, no sympathy if it's self inflicted, and since I am now one body with my wife, her keeping me up logically constitutes self-inflicted.  *did anybody but me follow that logic?*

So, despite the scattered focus of this entry, hi, I'm here, I'm not sure who I am.  and I'm trying to find it all out.  Good luck to me.

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