Friday, June 18, 2010

The Pen V.S. The Sword

Morning everyone, ...  Hello?

ah well, a good turnout again.  *grin*  Guess I'll talk to myself, seeing as how the post today is reflective of that point anyhow.

The Pen [keyboard?] is mightier than the Sword.  An odd statement for one who is obsessive about nobility and chivalry.

But there you have it.

A sword can topple or claim a kingdom, occasionally with the help of an army, but nevertheless a sword can forge a kingdom, with or without a vision.  A man of ambition can simply force his way to the top [as long as he doesn't get himself killed in the process].

A pen can, with the help of lively mind, form an opinion, a theory, a kingdom [just like the sword] or a whole world, universe, etc.
This kind of power seems too large for one person to handle, but there are built in limitations.  The talent of forming a person, a world or a story is commonly paired with a form of mental affliction.  First, the skill or talent of doing so is often not one that a person can consciously control.  I mean there are people who through sheer doggedness determination and developed skill can create consistent formats, stories and characters that will appeal to the reader and will sell, but I honestly don't fall into that category [yet], so the voices seem to create themselves and then just bug me until I can tell their story.  I guess I just gave the second point body as well.  Funny, this wasn't how I intended the monologue to go.

V2 - Monologue?  What the hell are you talking about?  I suppose you thought you were going to sit down and talk about us without so much as asking our leave?  Thoughtless twit, Voice 4 and I are going to make you pay for that.

V4 - (nasal male voice) What's this?  I'm going to do what?  *sighs* We've talked about this before V2.  You can't just presume on my goodwill.  Sorry about this Lead Voice.

ME - Would you all just be quiet.  Dang.  No!  I didn't consult with you if it was alright to talk about you.  I'm trying to explain how you need to have your story told, and how such a situation causes the writer, within whose head you take up residence, no end of distress until said writer can get your story out.

V4 - V2?  You dragged me back from my contemplation of flower pollen for this crap.  V1, V3?  where are you guys, why can you keep V2 settled down for a bit so that I can have my down time?

V3 - (feminine voice) - I trying to help, but V2 just ran right over me.
 V4 - *BIG mental sigh* I know, V2 is powerful, but where's V1, he can keep the upstart in line.

V2 - (mollified, hesitantly) He said something about having to work on his car.

V4 - (exasperated to near shrieking) His car? He's an imaginary voice in this guy's head!

ME - Enough! You're kind of like ghosts, annoying as hell, but not really effective.  Now, stop it!

All the other Voices, (except V1, who apparently is out fixing his car) "Sorry."

ME - That's better, now if you keep jockeying for airtime, then I'll never get your story out and you'll be stuck inside my head forever!  Is that what you want?

All - God forbid, it's creepy in here, what with all these voices bouncing around.  It's like trying to live in a nuthouse.

ME  - Right!  So Quiet, or I'll just shelf you until you are willing to behave.  I have toddlers, I can ignore any amount of whining you come up with.  Now, go find something to do, I have to finish this post so I can get back to work.

* * *
Sorry about that blog readers, had some housekeeping to deal with.
Where was I?  Oh right, the issues with multiple voices in one's own head, and the blessing/curse that such residents pose.

I guess trying to explain that after the above exchange is somewhat redundant.  I'll go away now and try to keep them quiet while I finish up work for the day.

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