Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Fickle tides of emotion

Hi blog people.  I can't imagine who might be reading this, but that's part of today's post after all.  I'm not doing well today.  Depressed, tired, overwhelmed, ready to cry (yes I am a man, but real men don't care if people see them cry, it doesn't make them any less manly).

Oh God, where do I start today?

I am tired, really really tired.

Wow, I started this post on Thursday, it's now Sunday.  Funny how that works.  I'm sitting here before church thinking that I really should have a quick shower and get some food before Church.  The youngest one is sleeping, the middle one is watching Dora, and I guess the oldest one is at Grandma's still sleeping.

Back to topic however, I suppose I've worked through the depressed and tired part of this mess.  In short there's an issue with the oldest boy wanting to go live at his moms, the younger ones are both at demanding points in their development, the three year old is almost six (demands, and uncompromising so each conflict is a major problem) and the younger is cutting molars, and my bride is pregnant with the third of ours together, making four in total that I am now responsible for.

Here's some pics of them all.  This first picture is of my boys, it's kinda small but I think you can click through to the larger version. they're at Yard Creek BC here, checking out the salmon run. it's the first time my boys has seen the salmon running in the creeks.  Watching their excitement was intoxicating, I got to take them for this hike when we stopped to have lunch on our way to Revelstoke for camping at Blanket Creek.

That was the first time we tried to use the camper, and it seems to have worked alright, but I don't think it's the best option for all of us.  I am going to have to track down a smallish camper or a tent trailer or something, maybe I can make a tent trailer for us and the boys, the camper would have been good for two of us, but the five of us, (six soon) was squishy and problematic.

Another picture:  this one is just after we got set up at Blanket Creek campground, two of the boys and mommy are here, the other one, the littlest one is just off to the left, and in the foreground you see hamburger helper cooking on a campfire.  It was a good evening.  Everything went great until bedtime when the smallest one wanted to be safe and secure at home, even sleeping with mommy didn't help him.  Ah well, maybe next time...  So we survived the night, determined to play the tourist for Saturday, and head home for bedtime that night.  So we wen to see the train Museum in Revelstoke, and then went swimming at the new pool center they had there.

Here's a picture of all of them in front of the Train Museum.

And just for completeness, here's a picture of the campsite with my bride in it, as well as one of she and I, since I never end up in any of the pictures I take.

That's all for now, this trip happened a week ago, I'm still cleaning up from and recovering from it, as well as the writing stuff I'm trying to keep up on.

Cheers and God Bless.


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