Sunday, September 12, 2010


Hiya, No idea who's reading this, not really worried about who might be reading this.

What I need to say here is that I have come to a conclusion, a realization about self, and the nature of positive self-motivation, positive self-direction, that kind of thing.

I started up a facebook account the other day, (about half a month ago).  Doing that seems to be the single most foolish mistake I think I've ever perpetrated.  In essence, I am losing hours each day simply screwing around with these things.  I've become addicted to this game that I was initially only checking out to see how it worked.

So the first point is that the face that I'm sort-of hooked on an RPG game.  That in itself is something to consider, such a thing is hard to comprehend period.

Second point, I am obviously going to need to set strictures on myself with regards to playing around with this stuff.  I actually considered creating a secondary facebook account just so I could keep playing when I got run down or capped.  Again, kinda nuts.

Third Point.  I am having trouble actually getting down the the brass tacks of writing out the scenarios I have plotted.  I can't say for sure, but I am thinking that the program that I am trying to use to actually write the book isn't helping me at all.  I can use it to track the progress, the characters, but actually writing the SM's for the game isn't working out the way I'd hoped.  If I am going to be able to write the scenes at all, then it's going to have to be as I was writing them before, in a single block punched into a text file with the continues and all that in the single file.

*sighs*  I guess I'm just going to shut this down, and over the course of the next week I'll push out the intermediate hero sequences.  Then by the end the second week I can have the end of the Villain intermediates put in.  And finally after that, in October or earlier if I get the rest done before that, I can map out the larger story sequence, in vague detail, for both sides.

Alright, I've gotta get to bed here, I'm not going to get anything written tonight, so I'm going to shut this down, get to bed and work on being ready to get to work tomorrow for all that is and needs done.

Until I make more sense.


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